Citations and Notes:

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
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[1] "The History of the Goodall Cup", author not stated, Ice Hockey Australia, IHA website.

[2] "Ice Hockey: The NSW Ice Hockey, Association Inc. Australia - Facts and Events 1907-1999" by Sid Tange (1999). 175pp. unpublished manuscript; Extracts published in 2007 on the IHNSW website for the 2008 Centenary.

The Argus, Sat Aug 2nd, 1924, p. 20. Transcript: ICE HOCKEY. The New South Wales ice hockey teams, women's and men's, which arrived in Melbourne by the Sydney express yesterday, will take part in a carnival programme at the Glaciarium. Commencing this afternoon, the carnival will extend over nearly a week. During that time, matches will be played between the visiting teams and Victorians for the Australian championships. The full programme is: Tueday, 4 pm - Victoria vs NSW (women's) for the Gower Cup; 9 pm, Victoria vs NSW (men's) for the Goodall Cup. Monday, 9 pm - Victoria vs NSW (men). Tuesday, 8 pm, Flag race and quarter mile championships; 9 pm Victoria vs NSW (women). Wednesday, 9 pm Victoria vs NSW (men). Thursday 9 pm - Victoria vs NSW (women). The visitors will be entertained in various ways including a trip by car to Ferntree Gully.

The Argus, Mon, August 4th, 1924, p. 6. Transcript: ICE HOCKEY. Contests at the Glaciarium. The ice hockey test matches, between women's teams and men's teams representing Victoria and New South Wales, were played at the Glaciarium on Saturday. These games are annual fixtures. Three tests are played and the team winning the majority of them receives, in the women's competition, custody for one year of the Gower Cup. In the men's section, the trophy is the Goodall Cup, which was presented for competition in 1909 (appears as 1904) by Mr J E (K?) Goodall, and has been held four times by New South Wales and four times by Victoria. It is at present in the hands of the New South Wales Association. The Gower Cup was given by Miss K Goodall almost two years ago. In the men's match, the Victorian's were outclasssed by a heavier, faster and more systematic team. On the other hand, the women of both teams displayed a vast knowledge of the finer points of the game, and provided one of the finest women's matches ever witnessed at the Glaciarium. Victoria won by two goals to one. In the evening, the women were entertained at a dinner at Scott's Hotel. The women's teams were: - Victoria - M Kendall, W Williams, M Maloney, A Wilson, D Callaway, and M Lucas. New South Wales - N. ?, V Kerr, E Wallach, K Lauder, M Gourlay and I Waite. Final scores: - Victoria, 2 goals; New South Wales, 1 goal. Goal-hitters: - Mrs Kendall, Miss Moloney; New South Wales, Miss Kerr. Misses Lucas and Maloney and Mrs Kendall were the most prominent for the winners. On the visitor's side serviceable work was performed by Misses Kerr, Gourlay and Lauder. The men's teams had their first contest in the evening. The teams were: - New South Wales, Point, J Kendall (captain); Cover-point, L. Reid; Centre, J H (E?) Pike, Left Wing, G Slade; Right wing, N Turner; Goal, W Cairns. Victoria: - Point, M. Bilsborrow, Cover-point, M. Harris; Centre, K Collins; Left wing, R Dyer; Right wing E Moloney (captain); Goal W Dow. Final scores: - New South Wales won by 2 goals to nil. New South Wales was best served by Kendall who was perhaps the best player of the match, Slade and Pike. For Victoria, Dow in goal was twoer of strength, and saved many possible goals. Dyer, Maloney and Bilsborrow also played well. The trophies will be presented to the winning teams Thursday, prior to the return of the victors to Sydney.

[5] The Argus, Aug 8th, 1924, Transcript: ICE HOCKEY. GOWER CUP WON BY NEW SOUTH WALES. The final ice hockey match between teams of women representing Victoria and New South Wales to decide the holder of the Gower Cup for the ensuing year, was played before a fair attendance at the Glaciarium last night. As each team had won a game, the interest taken was very keen. The feature of a somewhat dull match was the fine defence work of the respective goalies, I Waite (NSW) and D Callaway (Victoria), who saved many possible goals. The winners were best served by I Waite, N Kerr, and E Wallach (Wallace, Wallach). Miss Wallach hit the only goal of the match. For Victoria, Mrs Kendall, D Callaway and M Lucas were most prominent. Although the Victorians excelled at the sports meeting on Tuesday night, the visiting teams have gained possession of both the Goodall and the Gower cups.

The Argus, Sat Aug 7th, 1926, p. 22. Transcript: ICE HOCKEY. Interstate Matches To-day. The first of the series of Interstate ice hockey championship matches will he played at the Glaciarium today. The two competing States are Victoria and New South Wales, each of which will be represented by a team composed of men and a team composed of women. The first match will be played at 4 o'clock' in the afternoon between the women's teams, which will also play on Tuesday and Thursday nights. The men's teams will play their first match at 9 o'clock to-night. The two other matches in the men's section will be played on Monday and Wednesday nights. In each case the championship will go to the team winning two of the three matches. The teams In the women's section will be: Victoria: - Mrs. Kendall (captain), Misses M. Molony, D. Callaway, M. Lucas, W. Williams, and E. [Edna] Bostock. New South Wales: - Mrs Ford (captain), Misses M. F. Wallach, E. Rea, M. Kerr, M. McWilliam, and I. Waite. Victoria's representatives in the Men's match will be: - C. Kershaw (St. Kilda), E. A. Collins (Brlghton), M. Bilsborrow (St. Kilda), C. Fox (Essendon). A. De Long (St Kilda), and J. Donovan (Essendon). Kershaw will be the captain of the Victorian team. The New South Wales team will be: - J. Pike (captain), L (or I) Turner, J. Barnett, K. Raith, T. White, and T. Gibson. NSW SOUTH WALES V. VICTORIA. The New South Wales ice hockey team arrived by the Sydney express yesterday for the annual interstate championship matches, the first of which will he played this afternoon, when the women's teams will meet at 4 o'clock. This evening the first of the three matches between the men's teams will be played, beginning at 8 o'clock. The matches will be continued next week, and on Tuesday the interstate races be contested.

The Argus, Wed 11 August 1926, page 15. Transcript: Victorian Women Defeated. The second women's interstate ice hockey match between teams representing Victoria and New South Willes was decided at the Glaciarium last night. Victoria had won the first game on Saturday by two goals. The teams were: -Victoria: - Mrs Kendall (captain) and Misses M Lucas, M Molony, E Bostock, W Williams and D Callaway. New South Wales: - Mrs Ford (captain) and Misses F Wallach, E Rea, M Kerr, I Waite, and M McWilliam. As in the first match of the series, the first half was remarkably even, and neither side was able to score. New South Wales had the advantage in the second half, and three goals were scored. Miss Rea hit the first two from crushes in front, and when she had a third shot Miss Callaway stopped it, but fell in doing so and knocked It into the net. The final scores were: - NEW SOUTH WALES, 3 goals. VICTORIA, nil. Goal hitters:- New South Wales-Miss Rea (3). Best Players: - New South Wales: - Miss I Waite, Miss M Kerr, Mrs Ford, and Miss Rea. Victoria: - Miss M Lucas, Miss M Molony, Mrs Kendall and Miss W Wlllliams. The third and deciding game will be decided tomorrow night at the Glaciarium beginning at 9 o'clock The third of the mens series will be played tonight. Australian skating championships were also decided. In the men's half mile, T Gibson (NSW) won from J Fox (Vic), time 1 min 6 sec. Miss M Molony (Vic) won the women's quarter mile champlonshlp, Miss M McWilliams (NSW) coming second. The men's quarter mile championship was also won by T. Gibson (NSW), with J Fox (Vic) second. Victoria won both men's and women's relay races, the women's races having to be run off a second time after a dead heat.

The Argus, Fri Aug 13th, 1926, p 5. Transcript: Victoria Wins Gower Cup. Intense excitement prevailed among the hundreds of spectators who assembled at the Glaciarium last night to witness the deciding match between the women's ice hockey teams representing New South Wale and Victoria. As each team had already won one game particular Interest attached to the match last night, as it would decide the winners In the women's section of the interstate championship and the holders of the Gower Cup for 1926. The teams were: - Victoria - Mrs H Kendall (centre), Misses M Lucas (back) D Callaway (goal), N Irvine (left wing) M Moloney (right wing), and W Williams (coverpoint) New South Wales: - Mrs Ford (goal), and Misses E Rae (centre), I Waite (back), N Kerr (left wing), F Wallach (right wing), and M McWilliam (cover point). Mrs Kendall captained the Victorian team and Mrs Ford led New South Wales. At the end of the match neither team had scored, and by mutual agreement between the captains It was decided to extend the playing time by five minutes in the hope that one team would score, otherwise the championship would have remained undecided. Two minutes after the resumption, Mrs Kendall, by her deft stick work, piloted the puck to a possible scoring position, and with a beautiful shot sent Into the New South Wales goal, thus securing the championship for Victoria. The winners were best served by Mrs Kendall and Misses Lucas and Williams, while for New South Wales Misses Waite, Rae, and McWilliam were most conspicuous.

The Argus, Aug 8th, 1928, p 21. ICE HOCKEY. Transcript: Women's Match Drawn. New South Wales showed improved form in the second series of women's ice hockey matches for the Gower Cup at the Glaciarium last night. On Saturday the visitors were defeated by two goals to none, but last night they had the better of the general play in a fast, keenly contested game, but they tailed on the forward line. Neither side scored, but Victoria was unfortunate as three shots for goal hit the post and several Victorian players appeared to be off form. Miss Edna Bostock and Miss N Irving were the best Victorian players, and Miss M McWilliam and Miss Lauder showed best form for New South Wales. The final women's match will be played on Thursday night. New South Wales met with great success in a programme of ice sports which were also conducted last night, winning all three championships and both teams races. Results: - Men's Quarter Mile Championship: - J. Brown (NSW). Men's Half Mile Championship: - J. Brown (NSW). Women's Quarter Mile Championship: - M. McWilliam (NSW). Women's Team Race: - New South Wales. Men's Team Race: - New South Wales.

The Argus, Aug 10th, 1928, p 5. Transcript: ICE HOCKEY. Victorian Women Win Cup. Though neither side scored in the Interstate women's ice hockey match, played at the Glaciarium last evening, the Victorian team gained the Gower Cup. Of three matches played, the Victorian women's team won one game, the other two being drawn. Trophies won during the carnival were presented by Mr E C Turner. These included pennants for men and women's team races, both of which were won by New South Wales.

The Argus, Mon August 4th, 1930, page 12. Transcript: THE GLACIARIUM. The interstate ice hockey carnival will begin at the Glaciarium next Saturday. Teams representing Victoria and New South Wales, both men and women, will meet each night during the week, and there will be speed championships. Popular night will be held this evening.

The Argus, Thu, June 30th, 1932, page 11. Transcript: ICE HOCKEY. Victorian Championships. More than 2,000 people attended the annual sports night at the Glaciarium last night. The Victorian Ice skating championships resulted: - Half-mile Championship - E. Kelly, 1; H Callaway, 2. Time, 1:43. Quarter-mile - E Kelly, 1; M Elliot, 2 Time 0.45. Women - Quarter-mile - Miss Judith Nichols Time, 1.15 Schoolboys, under 16 years - T G Flanagan. Over 16 - H Callaway Time 0.51. Girls under 14-Miss Peggy Johnston. Under 16-Miss Judith Nichols. Men's Hurdle Race - E Kelly. The Australian champIonshlps will be held at the Melbourne Glaclarium on July 5, during the interstate ice hockey carnival. Victoria holds all the championships.

[13] 'Historical Index, Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages, Department of Justice, Victoria', Reg No 21075: Edna Rowena Bostock born 1908 in Melbourne to parents Walter Bostock and Rowena Kath Patterson. Reg No 4408: Edna Rowena Bostock married Jas Dudley Hunt in 1934 at Melbourne. ‘Digger Marriage Index Victoria 1921-42’, State Library Victoria, Reg No 4408: Edna Rowena Bostock married James Dudley Hunt in 1934.

The Argus, Wed 6 October 1920, p 1. Part transcript: Mr James and Mr Walter Bostock and families and Mrs E J Miles desire to return their heartfelt thanks ..... in their recent bereavement.

Digger Death Index, Victoria, 1921-85, State Library Victoria, Edna Rowena Hunt died in 1983 at Melbourne (MTEL) aged 74 years; parents Walter Bostock and Rowena Katherine (Patterson).

[14] The Argus, Friday, 31 July 1925, p. 4. INTERSTATE ICE HOCKEY. Goodall Cup Competition. The Victorian Team to play the remaining three ice hockey test matches against New South Wales will leave for Sydney on Thursday, August 6, and probably will return on Monday August 17. The matches will be played at the Sydney Glaciarium. The Victorian Team, which will be under the management of the Secretary of the Victorian Ice Hockey Association (Mr W. Bannerman) will be chosen from the following: - E J Molony (captain), E A Collins (vice captain), D Armstrong, A De Long, C Dixson, J Donovan, J Goodall, C Kershaw, F Kinnear and M Kendall (McKendall?). Three matches of the series of six for the Goodall Cup, which at present is held by New South Wales, were won by the New South Welshmen, at the Melbourne Glaciarium. As the American sailors are not ice hockey players, it has not been possible, as was intended, to arrange a match between a second Victorian team and a Fleet team.

[15] The Argus, Mon 8 Feb 1932, page 3. Maren Lucas was ticket secretary for a ball held by the Ladies Auxillary of the Minion Boys' Home held at the Fernery, Frankston, in February, 1932. Also in attendance were her sister, Elaine, Mr and Mrs E Lucas, A J J Lucas, and Mr and Mrs Hector Kendall.

[16] 'Historical Index, Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages, Department of Justice, Victoria', Reg No: Reg No 6773: Hector KENDALL married Marjorie Melba Cuming MORRIS in 1923 at Melbourne. Reg No 27953: Marjorie Melba MORRIS born 1895 to parents Thos Westbury Morris and Mary MCKENZIE.

The Argus, Thu 30 Aug 1923, p 1. MARRIAGES. KENDALL-MORRIS.-On the 21st July, at St Michael's, Prince's Hill, Hector, youngest son of Dr. W. T. Kendall, of Park street, Brunswick, to Marjorie, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Morris, "Huntly," Chelsea. At home, afternoon first Tuesday, 48 Brunswick street, Fitzroy.

‘Digger Death Index Victoria 1921-85’, State Library Victoria. Reg No 20028: Hector Kendall died 1961 age 75 at Sunbury, parents William Tyson Kendall and Eleanor Park. Reg No 5199: Marjorie Cuming Kendall died 1963 age 67 at Balwyn, parents Thomas Morris and Mary McKenzie.

[17] 'Kendall, William Tyson (1851–1936)', by Harold E. Albiston, Australian Dictionary of Biography, Volume 9, Melbourne University Press, 1983, pp 563-564.

[18] ''Springvale Botanical Cemetery', Deceased Persons Register, Marjorie Cuming Kendall was cremated on 18 Mar 1963 at Springvale Botanical Cemetery.

[19] The Argus, Wed 18 Apr 1945, p 8. Transcript: GREEK BALL FOR WAR VETERANS' APPEAL. In the hope of raising £2,000 for a cottage under the war veterans' homes scheme a grand ball organised by the Greek community, and under the patronage of Sir Thomas Nettlefold, Lord Mayor, and Mr A. J. J. Lucas, Consul for Greece, will be held in Melbourne Town Hall on Monday, April 23.

[20] The Argus, Wed 19 October 1932, p 14. Transcript: The Misses Marea and Elaine Lucas entertained about 60 guests yesterday evening at a dance given at their home, Yamala, Frankston. The special guest of honour was Miss Cynthia Collins. The reception tables were adorned with magnificent rhododendrons and tall Spanish iris. Mr and Mrs A J J Lucas assisted their daughters to receive the guests, and as the gathering coincided with Mr Lucas's birthday, pride of place on the supper table was given to a large birthday cake. Mrs Lucas wore a gown of black georgette and lace. Miss Marea Lucas chose a gown of silvery grey taffeta fabric, and her sister wore a frock of dull green chiffon mouse-lace. The Argus, Mon 24 October 1932. Miss Cynthia Collins, daughter of Edmund Collins of Grace Hill, Frankston married five days later to R C Taylor, son of Alfred Taylor of Carue in Malvern. (Photo of Cynthia in article).

[21] The Argus, Sat 5 Nov 1932, p 10. Social News. Elaine Lucas was the 'Greek Bride' in a pageant illustrating wedding groups in six foreign nations at an international ball held in the Melbourne Town Hall. It was held under the auspices of the League of Nations and the Institute of Pacific Relations, and organised by the women's auxillary for international Affairs.

[22] The Argus, Sat 5 May 1945, p 12. Part Transcript: ...Calling in on the Wing Club, the new club for WAAAF officers, RAAF nurses, and WATC personnel being established by the WATC in King st.... Miss Marea Lucas, deputy to Lady Brookes, Victorian WATC commandant, was hanging curtains...

[23] 'Historical Index, Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages, Department of Justice, Victoria', children to parents Antony and Margt WILSON: Reg No: 33348 Irene Palinas LUCAS born 1893; Reg No: 13281 Nena Ephinni LUCAS born 1896; Reg No: 19719 Margt Sophia LUCAS born 1899; Reg No: 4966 Maria Victoria LUCAS born 1901.

[24] 'Lucas, Antony John Jereos (1862–1946)', by A. E. Lucas, Australian Dictionary of Biography, Volume 10, Melbourne University Press, 1986, pp 162-163.

[25] Brookes, Mabel Balcombe (1890 - 1975), Australian Women Biographical entry. Online

[26] The Argus, Mon 1 Aug, 1927, p 18. Part Transcript: Sale of Australia Hotel. Farewell to Mr Lucas. After 40 years of active business life in the city, Mr A J J Lucas, who recently sold the Australia Cafe and Hotel in Collins Street, relinquished possession of the hotel on Saturady night.... The end of the present month marks the end of Mr Lucas's ownership of the Australia after 20 years. He intended originally to carry on the establishment for 3 years. It was in 1920 that Mr Lucas bought the freehold of the property. In 1915 he had the building extended and modernised, and he altered the name to The Australia. As The Vienna it had previously been famous as a social and business rendezvous as far back as mid-Victorian times. Mr Lucas is chairman of directors of the proprietary which built the Capital Theatre on his freehold in Swanston Street, and this and other interest will occupy his attention in future.

[27] The Argus, Sat 31 October 1925 p17. Transcript: MORRIS–MCKENZIE — [Golden Wedding] On the 1st November 1925, by the late Rev J Ballantyne, of Erskine Church, Carlton, Thomas Westbury Morris, eldest son of E T Morris, West Maitland, NSW, to Mary McKenzie, eldest daughter of Peter and Ann McKenzie, of Carlton. (At home, November 1 and 2, Present address, Huntly, Chadwell Grove, Chelsea.)

[28] The Argus, Mon 16 Mar 1925, p 7. Part Transcript: Women's Sports. Swimming. Brighton Women's Carnival. Under perfect weather conditions the Brighton Women's Swimming Club held its 28th annual carnival on Saturday afternoon. There was a record number of 1,000 patrons at the baths and 200 entries for the various competitions... The swimming was very good all round but that of Edna Bostock (champion breast stroke swimmer of Victoria) from St Michael's, stood out as worthy of special notice, and Beryl Jack from Esperance, and Marjorie Strangward from Melbourne Grammar, also did very well. ... 50 Yards Public and Private Schools – Finals E. Bostock (St Michael's), 1; time 0.37 seconds. ... 100 yards Championship (Open) – E. Bostock (St Michael's), 1; time 1.27. ... 50 yards Breast stroke – Finals E. Bostock (St Michael's), 1. Time 1. 48.

Thur 11 February 1926, p 12. Part Transcript: Swimming. Women's Championships. Miss Bostock and Miss Allen. The members of the Victorian Ladies Amateur Swimming Association were fortunate in having fine, ild weather for their annual carnival, held at the Richmond Municipal Baths last evening. Special Interest was taken in the 100 yards breast stroke and 100 yards free style championships of Victoria, in view of the fact that the swimmers who will be representing Victoria in Sydney in the Australian championship carnival shortly were taking part. The breast stroke event was won by Miss E Bostock (time 1 min 33 4-5 sec), who did remarkably well throughout the evening.... In the freestyle championship, Miss Muriel Allen, the winner of this event last year, was again victorious and strengthened her hopes for success in Sydney. Miss E Bostock again distinguished herself by coming second.

Thu 15 Dec 1927, p 4. Part Transcript: Swimming. Breaststroke Championship. At the annual carnival of the Brunswick Swimming Club last night, the 250 yards championship of Victoria resulted: – R Roberts (Brunswick), 1; J White (Melbourne), 2; E Bostock (Albert Park), 3.

Tues 22 Jan 1929, p 15. Part Transcript: Women's Sports. Swimmers Leave for Sydney. Edna Bostock, (back stroke), Betty Forshan (junior and sprint champion), and Doris Bennett (breast stroke) left Melbourne yesterday afternoon for Sydney to take part in the Australian women's swimming championships, which will be held on January 26 – January 30, and February 3...The championships will be contested by Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria and Western Australia. The best of the series will be held at the Coogee Aquarium Baths. The most important events will be the 200 metres championship of Australia and the 100 metres Backstroke championship of Australia.

Fri 31 Jan 1930, p 14. Swimming. National Championships. City Baths, Melbourne. Bostock finished Third in the 100m Backstroke, four yards after the winner N Mealing (NSW) and V Armstrong (NSW).

Also Thu 18 Dec 1930, p5. Photo, "Young Swimmer's Triumph".

[29] "New South Wales Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages," Historical Index, Reg No 4679/1903: Muriel F Wallach born 1903 at Marrickville to parents Bernhard Wallach and Marie L K. (Muriel's name appears as M F Wallach in Source 6; The Argus, Aug 7th, 1926, p. 22). Reg No 23834: Henry F Wallach born 1904 at Marrickville to parents Bernhard Wallach and Marie L K. Reg No 9022/1900: Bernhard Wallach married Marie L K Worner at Marrickville in 1900. Reg No 466/1876 Bernhard Wallach born 1876 at Sydney to parents Henry and Mary Ann. Reg No 77/1875 Henry Wallach married Mary Ann Carelton in 1875 at Sydney.

[30] "League of Nations Treaty No. 4459" Amendment at London, in a single copy, the 2nd June, 1934. UNION CONVENTION OF PARIS, MARCH 20TH, 1883, FOR THE PROTECTION OF INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY, REVISED AT BRUSSELS, DECEMBER 14th 1900, AT WASHINGTON, JUNE 2ND, 1911, AT THE HAGUE, NOVEMBER 6th, 1925, AND AT LONDON, JUNE 2ND, 1934. FOR THE COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA: Mr. Bernhard WALLACH, Commissioner of Patents, Registrar of Trade Marks, Registrar of Designs, Registrar of Copyrights. French official text communicated by His Majesty's Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs in Great Britain. The registration of this Convention took place October, 1938. Online

[31] The Argus, Fri 29 Jan 1932, p 6. Part Transcript: Commissioner of Patents. Retirement of Mr G S Brown. Mr Bernhard Wallach Appointed. The Federal Attorney General (Mr Latham) announced yesterday that Mr Bernhard Wallach had been appointed commissioner of patents, trade marks, copyright, and designs. ... Mr Wallach has been director of lighthouses and engineer-in-chief since 1927. He was educated at Sydney Grammar School and Sydney University, where he obtained the degree of bachelor of engineering and civil engineering. As a young man he gained considerable experience in the engineering and electrical shops of Messrs. Siemens Glastlottenberg, Germany. Upon returning to Australia late-1900 he was engaged in the application of electricity to mining at Kalgoorlie. He entered the Commonwealth Patent Office in 1904 as examiner in electricity, a position which he occupied for six years. In 1912, he was transferred to the Commonwealth lighthouse service as lighthouse engineer. See also The Argus 30 Jan 1932 p19 for photo of Bernard Wallach.

[32] The Argus, Sat 1 Mar 1919, p 15. University of Melbourne Public Examinations, March 1919. Transcript: Muriel F. Wallach, MGGS; The Argus, Sat 5 Mar 1921, p 22. University of Melbourne Public Examinations, 1920, Transcript: Muriel F. Wallach, MGS; English. The Argus, Sat 12 Jan 1924, p 34. Transcript: University of Melbourne, December Annual Examination, 1923. First Year Bachelor of Scence, Muriel F. Wallach.

[33] The Argus, 9 Mar 1927, p 6. Advertisement for dress and pattern-making tuition with the new Auslios (?) Tailor Methos: That Slender Appearance. Lottie Smith, Principal. Muriel Wallach, B. Sc, Assistant.

[34] 'Historical Index, Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages, Department of Justice, Victoria', Reg No: 9947, Nellie May Irving born 1905 at Melbourne to parents William Irving and Ellen Rae. Reg No 3469: William Irving married Ellen Rae in 1888 at Melbourne.

[35] The Argus, Wed 10 May 1916, p 10 and 11 May 1916, p 8. Part Transcript: Items of Interest. Home Furnishing. Miss Lottie Smith Lecture on the "Art of Furnishing the Home" at T& G Buildings, cnr Collins and Swanston, this evening.

[36] 'Historical Index, Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages, Department of Justice, Victoria', Reg No 3475: Muriel Florence Wallach married Albert Lansell Williams in 1929 at Melbourne.

National Archives Australia, AIF Service Record 69621 of Albert Lansell Williams, b. 1899. Online

[37] ''Springvale Botanical Cemetery', Deceased Persons Register, Muriel Florence Williams died at Melbourne on 2 Dec 1990, age 87. Funeral Director: Le Pine, Camberwell. Cremated on 6 Dec 1990. Albert Lansell Williams was cremated on 12 May 1976. Memorial: Banksia - Wall Niche Wall M Niche 756.

[38] ‘Digger Marriage Index Victoria 1921-42’, State Library Victoria, Reg No 11579: Edward James Molony married Muriel Mafeking Scrivener in 1924. ‘Digger Death Index Victoria 1921-85’, State Library Victoria. Reg No 17412: Muriel Mafeking Molony died 1973 age 73 at Brighton, parents Herbert Scrivener and Emily Arch (db 1900)

[39] ''Springvale Botanical Cemetery', Deceased Persons Register. Muriel Mafeking Molony cremated on 19 Jul 1973.

[40] 'The AIF Project,' University of NSW, Transcripts: Herbert Scrivener, Regimental number 4885, Religion Church of England, Occupation Soldier, Address West Brunswick, Victoria Marital status Married Age at embarkation 45 Next of kin Wife, Mrs Emily Scrivener, 47 Murdoch Street, West Brunswick, Victoria Enlistment date 16 Feb 1917 Rank on enlistment Sergeant Unit name 29th Battalion, 13th Reinforcement AWM Embarkation Roll number 23/46/4 Embarkation details Unit embarked from Melbourne, Victoria, on board HMAT A29 Suevic on 21 June 1917 Rank from Nominal Roll Sergeant Unit from Nominal Roll 1st Convalescent Depot Fate Returned to Australia 2 January 1919.

National Archives Australia, War Service Record No 4885: Herbert Scrivener, Online, War Service Record No B2455, Archibald Scrivener, Online

Archibald SCRIVENER. Regimental number 270 Religion Church of England Occupation Clerk Address West Brunswick, Victoria Marital status Single Age at embarkation 18 Next of kin Father, Herbert Scrivener, 47 Murdock Street,West Brunswick, Victoria Enlistment date 28 February 1916 Rank on enlistment Private Unit name 39th Battalion, Headquarters AWM Embarkation Roll number 23/56/1 Embarkation details Unit embarked from Melbourne, Victoria, on board HMAT A11 Ascanius on 27 May 1916 Rank from Nominal Roll Private Unit from Nominal Roll 39th Battalion Fate Effective abroad (still overseas) Miscellaneous details (Nominal Roll) *Surname spelt SCRIVEN Medals Military Medal.

'Australian War Memorial'. Transcript: 39th Battalion AIF, Regtl No: 270, Private Archibald Scrivener. On 5th April 1918, at Treux, during an attack by the enemy, whilst acting as Company Runner, this man carried despatches from the front line to his Company Headquarters under an intense artillery and Machine Gun barrage. After delivering the despatches he returned to the front line and, although exhausted, carried on as a Runner throughout the attack. It was due to his utter disregard of danger and devotion to duty that communications were maintained between Company Headquarters and the front line, during the whole period of the attack. Signed John Monash, Major General, G O C Third Australian Division. Recommended by W. Ramsay McNicholl, Brigadier-General, Commanding 10th Australian Infantry Brigade. Military Medal.

[41] The Argus, Mon 25 Jan 1926, p 1. Transcript: Scrivener – In memory of Archie, who died 25th January, 1925. With Chrlot, which is far better. Scrivener – In memory of our dear brother, Archie, who passed away at Ararat, on the 25th January, 1925. (Inserted by Maffie, Vic, Ted and Harry).

The Argus, Sat 31 Jan 1925, p 19. Mr Archibald Scrivener, a member of the staff of the Ararat Hospital, and the only son of Mr and Mrs H. Scrivener, of Hampden, died on Sunday after a brief illness. He was aged 27 years. In the war he won the Military Medal. Sympathetic reference to his death was made on Sunday evening last at the Church of England, of whose choir he was a member.

[42] The Argus, Mon 23 May 1932, p 9. Transcript: The Victorian Ice Hockey Association and Speed Skating Club will hold its first practice at the Glaciarium on Wednesday. The ice hockey season will be opened on June 13 with a match between Essendon and Hawthorn. There was a large attendance on Saturday night when Henry and Heta Witte again gave demonstrations. This evening the musical "popular night" will be held.

[43] The Argus, Tue 12 Dec 1916, p 5. Methodist Ladies College. Prize List, 1916. Form Prizes. Form Hon. VI. ... History Honours — Winifred Williams.

The Argus, Sat 17 Jul 1920, p 17. Part Transcript: London College of Music. Examinations held in June and July at Melbourne and Victorian centres. Teachers names in parentheses. Elocution. Elementary– Pass Elva W Hurrll (Miss W Williams) ... Licentiate Diploma (L.L.C.M).—...Eloise Bartels (Miss Winifred Williams)...

The Argus, Fri 8 Jun 1923, p 10. Inglebrae Amateur Players. The "Inglebrae" Players will present "Billeted" by Tennyson Jesser (in collaboration with her husband, H M Harwood) at the Freemason's Hall, Collins street on Wedneday, June 13. The cast includes Miss Madge May, Vera White, Dorothy Conway, Irene Thomas, Maude Hamilton-Smith, Cynthia Sambrook, and Messrs, Roy Breen, Robert Taylor, and Gordon Pratt. The plan is at Alllan's and the play will be produced by Miss Winifred Williams.

The Argus, Wed 12 Sep 1923, p 18. Transcript: The Inglebrae Players, under the direction of Miss Winifred Williams, will appear in "The Green Flag," a comedy, in three acts, by Keble Howard, at the Playhouse, on Friday evening, at 8 o'clock.

The Argus, Sat 26 Jan 1924, p 16. Part transcript: Mornington:– The Mornington Girls Club Dramatic Company successfully performed a three act comedy, "The Young Person in Pink" under the direction of Miss Winifred Williams, to a packed house.

The Argus, Fri 18 Jul 1924, p 5. Inglebrae Players. Under the direction of Miss Winifred Williams, L.L.C.M., the Inglebrae Players will present, for the first time in Melbourne,, Noel Coward's three-act comedy "I'll Leave It To You", at the Playhouse on Saturday evening.

The Argus, Monday 21 Jul 1924, p 16. Transcript: I'll Leave It to You. "I'll Leave It to You," a comedy in three acts by Noel Coward, was given at the Playhouse on Saturday night by the Inglebrae Players, under the direction of Miss Winifred Williams. The manner in which the various parts were taken showed that careful preparation had left nothing to chance, and each character was portrayed with realism and sincerity. The large audience unmistakably demonstrated its appreciation of the effort.

The Argus, Wed 25 Mar 1925, p 28. Part transcript: Associated Radio Co, 3AR (480 Metres) .... Elecutionary Items: "Mrs Brown at the Play, "Miss Lee Collins; "Devil May Care," Miss Winifred Williams....

The Argus, Wed 25 Nov 1925, p 14. Transcript: Clothes and the Woman. The comedy "Clothes and the Woman" was given for the first time in Australia by the Inglebrae Players in the Melba Hall on Saturday Night. Miss Winifred Williams directed the production, which was well-received by a large audience. The part of Robina, the journalist was played by Miss Madge May, and the part of the smart widow by Miss Anne Jeffrey. Dr Lomax, as presented by Mr Roy Breen, and Colonel Brereton, a middle-aged army officer, were convincing characters. Other parts were capably handled by a large cast.

The Argus, Thu 28 Jun 1928, p 6. Transcript: The recently appointed professor of English Literature in our University, Professor G H Cowling, M. A., who is the author of two books on Shakespearean subjects, viz., "Music on the Shakespearean Stage" and "A Preface to Shakespeare," will deliver the first lecture of the series arranged by the Melbourne Shakespeare Society at the Queens Hall, Collins Street tomorrow evening, at 5 o'clock. His subject is the popular play, "King Henry the Fifth"; the lecturer will divide his address into four sections, entitled, respectively, "Shakespeare's Theatre," "The Life of King Henry the Fifth," "Shakespeare's Treatment of History," and "The Portrait of a King." Mr C J Breen, of the Melbourne High School, will give a scene, including the battle prayer, and "St Crispin's Day," and Miss Winifred Williams will recite two of the beautiful choruses. Teachers and students may look forward to an enjoyable and instructive evening.

The Argus, Mon 3 Jun 1929, p 10. Amateur Production. ..."The Boomerang" by Winifred Williams at the Playhouse....

The Argus, Thu 3 April 1930, p 4. Transcript: Woman's Realm. Social Notes... Melbourne Girls High School, Old Girls,– The president, Dr Ellen Balsam, presided at the annual meeting of the association last night at the school. Office-bearers elected are:– President, Dr. Balsam; vice-president, Miss Winifred Williams; treasurer, Miss Dulcie Hart; secretary, Miss Helen Manton; committee, Miss Val Nolan, Miss Lou Mackay, Miss Hamilton, Miss Patterson, and Miss Murray; auditor, Miss Habey.

The Argus, Tue 17 Nov 1931, p 10. Transcript: The Old Palladians (former students of the Melbourne Girls High School) held a garden party in the Botanic Gardens on Saturday afternoon. Owing to the wet weather the attendance was small, but about 30 members gathered at the kiosk for afternoon tea, including Dr Ellen Balsam (president), Miss Winifred Williams (vice-president), Miss Helen Manton (honorary secretary), Miss Dulcie Hart (honorary treasurer), and Miss Montgomery (principal of the school).

[44] The Argus, Thu 23 Jun 1921, p 5. University Women's Sports. Miss J Wilmot Wins Championship. The University Women's Athletic Club held its annual sports meeting on the University oval yesterday afternoon. In the programme were several races for the pupils of various girls schools. The championship of the University was won by Miss J Wilmot with 14 points, Miss P Molony (7 points) being second. Detailed results are as follows:

Championship events — 75 yards — Miss J Wilmot, 1; Miss M Molony, 2; Miss U Bere, 3. 100 Yards — Miss J Wilmot, 1; Miss M Molony, 2; Miss M Ashton, 3. 200 Yards — Miss J Wilmot, 1; Miss A Gault, 2; Miss P Molony, 3. 220 Yards Walk — Miss R Darling, 1; Miss A Gault, 2; Miss K Stephenson, 3. Throwing the Baseball — Miss A Gradon (164ft 2in.), 1; Miss G Fox, 2; Miss S Taggart, 3.

Open Events — Potato Race — Miss U Bere, 1; Miss E Pearcy, 2. Threadneedle Race — Misses M Gordon and N Millar, 1; Misses J Robertson and L Lightfoot, 2. Obstacle Race — Miss R Irving, 1; Miss S Taggart, 2. Whistling Race — Misses L Schneider and Loveridge, 1; Misses Vincent nd Liddle, 2. Siamese Race — Misses Wilmot and Webb-Ware, 1; Misses Braithwaite and Atkien, 2. ? Flat Race — Miss P Graham, 1; Miss P Ashworth, 2; Miss S Fox, 3. Sack Race — Miss R Irving, 1; Miss M Davidson, 2; Miss M Ashton, 3. Egg and Spoon Race — Miss V Paling, 1; Miss M Ashton, 2. Inter Faculty Flag Race — Science, 1; Medicine, 2. Inter Collegiate, 100 Yards — Newman, 1 and 2; Queens, 3. Inter Faculty 100 Yards — Arts (Miss Wilmot), 1; Medicine (Miss Graham), 2; Science (Miss Braithwaite), 3. Schools Events — Flag Race — Firbank, 1; C.E.G.G.S, 2; P.L.C, 3. 100 Yards — University High School, 1; P.L.C, 2.

[45] Proud past, bright future: one hundred years of Canadian women's hockey en: Brian McFarlane, Toronto: Stoddart, 1994, xvii, 206 p. : ill., ports. ; 20 x 27 cm., ISBN 0773728368, p 6

[46] The Register, Adelaide, Monday 27 November 1922, p 8. Transcript: A CHAMPION WOMAN ATHLETE. Mrs. Bertram Ford, who recently, won the sculling championship of the Sydney Ladies' Rowing Club, has a remarkable sports record (states The Sydney Sun). With the tennis racket she won the ladies' singles championship of New South Wales in 1906. Since then nearly 60 championships have been credited to her. Eight times she went to Queensland and captured the championship. In 1919, while in Melbourne representing the State, she won the whole of the championships open to her, including singles doubles, and mixed. After assisting to win the ladies' doubles championship at Strathfield in 1908, 1913, and 1914, she competed again after a lapse of five years, and for the fourth time won the coveted honour. In ice hockey this woman athlete has established a name for herself. Holding the position of secretary of the Sydney Ladies' Club, she represented the State as goalkeeper, against Victoria a few months back. Mrs. Ford has finally turned her attention to sculling, and at this sport she promises to equal her record with the racket.

[47] The Sydney Morning Herald, Saturday 6 June 1953, p 6. Transcript: Death Of Mrs. Bertram Ford. Mrs. Bertram Ford, of Balgowlah, who had a spectacular career in women's sport in her youth, died in hospital last night. She was a former lawn tennis and rowing champion of New South Wales, representing the State 22 times in tennis, and eight times as an ice hockey player. Mrs. Ford won about 60 championships in women's tennis in Australian States and in New Zealand, from 1908 onwards, when she was Miss Kellett Baker. Once, in 1922, she took both the N.S.W. State singles tennis title and the women's sculling championship in the same month. Mrs. Ford played a prominent part in the Town Planning Association. The funeral will leave All Saints Church, Balgowlah, on Monday afternoon, for French's Forest Cemetery, after a service beginning at 2 o'clock.

[48] Kalgoorlie Miner, Fri 1 Dec 1922. Part transcript: ...In ice hockey, this woman athlete has established a name for herself. Holding the position of secretary of the Sydney Ladies' Club, she represented the State as goal-keeper, against Victoria a few months back...

[49] The Muswellbrook Chronicle, NSW, Fri 11 Aug 1922, p 1. Transcript: An inter-State hockey contest on the ice took place in Melbourne last week when ladies' teams representing Sydney and Melbourne tried conclusions. The first match was won by Sydney by 3 goals to nil. The Sydney team consisted of Misses V. Wallace, M. Ive, N. Kerr, E. Rea, Miss J Hall, Mrs B W Ford, Miss F Wallach. Four of the team are well known in -Sydney as fancy figure skaters:- Misses N. Kerr, J. Hall, E Rea, and Mrs. Ford. The "Sydney Mail" commenting, says:—"They have shown a sporting spirit in engaging in the matches in Melbourne as some of the fancy figure exponents refrain from playing hockey, fearing it might spoil the more artistic department of their sport." The team was greatly encouraged by winning their first match by 3 goals to nil. Mrs. Ford is widely known as an inter-State lawn tennis player and winner of many championships. Mrs. Ford is well-known in Muswellbrook, where she has spent several holidays with her brother-in-law and sister, the Rev. P.A.B. and Mrs. Williams, Methodist Parsonage.

[50] Advocate, Burnie, Tasmania, Mon 3 Feb 1930, p 7. Part transcript: GIRL'S AMAZING CAREER. Led Riviera Revels. FRANK STORY. No Thrills in School. MELBOURNE, Sunday. -Travelling to Melbourne by the mail steamer Comorin is Miss Nan Irving; a well-known young Melbourne society girl who was sent to a finishing school in Switzerland early last year, but spent months in an amazing round of adventures in Paris and South of France. She attracted considerable attention as a beautiful and daring young debutante, but her stories of adventures was cut short when her mother in Melbourne had her placed in charge of a Paris solicitor. Miss Irving's adventures lasted nine months. Her mother called the aid of the solicitor when she heard of her romance with a young French-Hungarian baron, and he succeeded in placing her aboard the Comorin. Miss Irving, who is the daughter of a noted Anglo-Indian scientist, has represented Victoria in inter-State ice hockey matches since she was 12. She is now 18. She played international hockey in 1924. On board the Comorin she talked gaily of her Paris experiences. "I've had a perfectly marvellous time" she said...

[51] Arrow, Sydney, Fri 17 Jun 1932, p 1. Includes portrait image. Part transcript: Birth and Death Wrapped in Mystery. LIKE a brilliant meteor Nan Irving flashed across the horizon of startled Melbourne four years ago. She had previously attracted little attention. Then this seventeen-year-old slip of vivacious blonde girlhood left an astounded city to brighten European holiday resorts with her daring fantasies which soon became front page news. She was followed home by a Parisian suitor who married her in the face of much opposition. Two conflicting reports of her death have arrived-— one blames an overdose of sedative, and the other an operation for appendicitis. Her birth, parentage and spasmodic wealth have always been a mystery; and now mystery enshrouds her end.

[52] Sunday Times, Sydney, Sun 8 Jan 1928 p 13. Transcript: Miss Marea Lucas, of Melbourne, arrived over in Paris last week on a visit to her sister, Mme. Leonce Aslangul, whose husband is the famous International tennis player. Miss Lucas came over to Europe in April of this year with Mrs. King Baillieu and her mother, Mrs. Lavers. Since then they have been travelling in England, Scotland, and the Continent. Mrs. Lavers and Mrs. Baillieu are on their way back to Australia by the ''Maloja,' but Miss Lucas intends remaining on for some months yet. While in London she spent some time with Dr. and Mrs. Ellingworth, of Melbourne, in their home at Brooke Green. Dr. Ellingworth has been for some years now, superintendent at the West London Hospital, where he is a welcome and familiar figure to many an Australian in London. Later on Miss Lucas will go with Miss Dena Callaway to Switzerland, where they will endeavour to uphold the reputation of Australia in the world of winter sports, as they were both prominent members of the Victorian Ladies Ice Hockey team.

[53] Tennis Archives website. Last access 1 Sep 2013. Entry for Leonce J. Aslangul by Damian Smith. Transcript: He was married to Nina Lucas the daughter of the Greek Consul in Melbourne Australia. They had two children born in Paris, Antony (Billy) in 1923 and June in 1926. He met his wife in Melbourne while playing in the Davis Cup there in the early 1920s. Aslangul died soon after the outbreak of WWII and Mrs Aslangul and her children fled from occupied Paris in 1940. The children came to Australia and were cared for by her father and Mrs Aslangul made it safely back to Australia in 1941. Online

[54] The Cyclopedia of New Zealand [Auckland Provincial District]. The Cyclopedia Company, Limited, 1902, Christchurch. Transcript: MR. HENRY GOWER was born in 1864 at Tunbridge, Kent, England. After a business experience at Tunbridge Wells and in London, he went to Eastbourne, where he remained three years under Mr. Sutton, buyer for Cook, Son and Co., one of the largest wholesale drapery firms in London. Mr. Gower obtained a very large experience in this establishment, and came to New Zealand in 1888. Shortly after his arrival in Auckland he entered the service of Messrs Smith and Caughey, with whom he remained twelve years, and then joined Mr McCullagh. Mr Gower, on the formation of the Auckland Rifles, received the appointment of lieutenant to that corps. He is a member of the Order of Foresters.

[55] The Argus, Mon 16 Mar 1936. Transcript: OBITUARY The death of Mr. Henry Gower occurred at his residence, Denmark street, Kew, on Thursday. He was for many years identified with the retail drapery trade of Melbourne. For 17 years he was managing director of Bussell, Robson Pty. Ltd., Bourke street, which relinquished business in 1927 on the expiry of its lease. Before his arrival In Melbourne in 1910, Mr. Gower was a partner in the firm of Mccullagh and Gower, Auckland (N.Z.). He Is survived by his widow, a son, Mr. Maurice Gower, and two daughters, Misses Margaret and Muriel Gower..

[56] Births Deaths and Marriages Historical Index, New Zealand Internal Affairs, Reg No: 1890/5510, Muriel Eleanor Gower born 1890 to Henry and Amy Ellen Gower. Reg No: 1889/17641 Maurice Henry Gower born 1889 to Henry and Amy Ellen Gower.

[57] Australian Cemeteries, Whitehorse Cemetery Burwood List, Photo: b7122/23 Gower Amy Ellen (-Benrose) Born 1861 Died 1943 Online

[58] Table Talk, Thu 3 April 1924 p11. Photo portrait, Miss Joan Langley. Transcript: Only daughter of Mr and Mrs Aylmer Langley "Greystanes," Power-avenue, Toorak. Recently Mr. Lester Jackson, of Malvern, persuaded her to accept an engagement ring. They are both keen ice-slcaters. Miss Langley being a member of the Melbourne ice-hockey team in the inter-State matches last season.

[59] I. V. Hansen, 'Langley, Henry Thomas (1877 - 1968)', Australian Dictionary of Biography, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University,, published in hardcopy 2000, accessed online 13 October 2014.

[60] The Kindness of Strangers: A History of the Lort Smith Animal Hospital, Felicity Jack, Spinifex Press, 2003.

[61] Stogdale Travel Records:

(1) Index to Unassisted Inward Passenger Lists to Victoria 1852-1923, Public Record Office Victoria, Transcript: Stogdale Mr F D (age 45) and Mrs O J (age 38) Aug 1922 from British Port on Naldera. Fiche 291, p 4.
(2) UK Incoming Passenger Lists,, Frank Derrick Stogdale, birth abt 1886, Departed Montreal Canada, arrived 19 Jun 1937 Liverpool England.
(3) Index to Unassisted Inward Passenger Lists to Victoria 1852-1923, Public Record Office Victoria, Transcript: Stogdale, Mrs (age 38), Maid (age 22), Infant, arrived on Mongolia Nov 1909 from a British port. Fiche 793, p 2.

[62] Stogdale Family Notices:

(1) The Argus, Tue 6 August 1946, p 2. STOGDALE.-On August 4 (after a short illness), at Mercy Hospital, Frank Derrick, of 3 Trawalla avenue Toorak, beloved husband of Olive, loved father of Lucy (deceased) and Derrick.
(2) The Argus, Tue 6 August 1946, p 2. STOGDALE.-A sincere tribute to the memory of Frank Derrick Stogdale, our beloved employer and friend, (inserted by the staff of Stogdale and Sons Pty. Ltd.)
(3) The Argus, Wed 16 January 1946, p 2. OSBORN.-On January 14. Lucy Olive, dearly loved wife of Lieut.-Colonel Charles Osborn (A.I.F.). of Toorak. (Privately cremated on January 15.) OSBORN.-On January 14. Lucy, dearly beloved daughter of Frank and Olive Stogdale. (Privately interred.) OSBORN.-On January 14. Lucy OliveDerrick, dearly loved sister of Derrick Stogdale.
[63] New South Wales Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages. Reg No. 2934/1903 Annie S Kerr born 1903 in Glebe to parents John A and Annie S. Reg No. 13161/1906 Jennie A C born 1905 in Glebe to parents John A and Annie S. Reg No. 295/1901 Carl O V C Kerr born 1901 in Sydney. Reg No 35002/1907 John A C Kerr born 1907 in Glebe and Reg No 12321/1975 John Alexander Kerr died in 1975. Reg No 7369/1899 John A Kerr married Annie S Carlson in Sydney 1899.

[64] Catholic Freeman's Journal Sydney 17 Dec 1936 p 43. Transcript: MR. JOHN ALEXANDER KERR, ELIZABETH BAY. The death of Mr. John Alexander Kerr occurred on 13th ult. at his residence, 'The Tor,' Elizabeth Square, Elizabeth Bay. Mr. Kerr was 72 years of age. Deceased was connected with the Citizens' Life Assurance Co., but had been retired for the past 20 years. He was very interested in music, and was a member or the old Sydney Leidertafel, which afterwards became the Royal Apollo Club. A sincere practising Catholic, Mr. Kerr received the Holy Sacrament regularly every week. For the past twelve years he had resided in Elizabeth Bay, and for twenty-two years previously in Glebe Point. His wife predeceased him in 1934, and Mr. Kerr is survived by two sons (Carl and John), who is with Airlines of Australia, and two daughters, Nancy (Mrs. W. Dixon, of Melbourne), and Jean (Mrs. J. Weston). Mr. Kerr received the Last Sacraments from Rev. Father J. V. McCooe, who also recited the prayers at St. Canice's Church, Elizabeth Bay, and later officiated in the Rookwoock Cemetery. Three aeroplanes escorted the cortege to the cemetery, and the chief mourners were Messrs. Carl and John Kerr, Robert E. Kerr, and Mrs. W. Dixon and Mrs. J. Weston. The funeral arrangements were carried out by W. N. Bull Limited.

[65] The Sydney Morning Herald, 16 September 1926 p 6. Figure Skating Club Dance

[66] Table Talk Melbourne 30 Jul 1925 p 32. Ice Hockey Prospects.

[67] Sunday Times, Sydney, 12 Sep 1920 p 15. Glaciarium Carnival, Sport on the Ice.

[68] Sunday Times, Sydney, 24 Aug 1924 p 21. Brilliant Spectacle, Dress Carnival at Glaciarium.

[69] The Sydney Morning Herald, 25 Oct 1923, p 5. Weddings, Weston-Kerr.

[70] The Sun, Sydney, 15 Jul 1922 p 5. Ice Hockey, Interstate Match. Part transcript: The recently formed Sydney Ladies' Ice Hockey Club, whose hon secretary is Mrs. B. W. Ford, has accepted an invitation to send a team of ice hockey players to Melbourne, to play a match against a southern team. This is the first occasion on which an Interstate match has boon played between the Sydney and Melbourne ladles, and it is hoped to make it an annual fixture. The N.S.W. team, which will leave for Melbourne on Tuesday next is composed of Misses E. Rae, J. Hall, E. Wallach. M. Ive, V. Wallace, N. Kerr, and Mrs. B. W, Ford. The last named is the Interstate lawn tennis player.

[71] The Sun, Sydney, 24 Jul 1922 p 9, p 5. Part transcript: Ice Hockey. Interstate Ladies' Match. The Sydney ladles' Interstate hockey team arrived in Melbourne on Wednesday July 19 and received a cordial welcome from the Victorians. The first match was played on Thursday night. The players were received with enthusiasm all through the match. New South Wales started rather nervously, but scored three goals in the first half. Miss Elsie Rae hit two goals and MIss Jessie Hall, one. In the second half the Victorians seemed to have quite the better of It, and excitement ran high on three occasions when they seemed like scoring goals, but they were stopped by the goalkeeper, Mrs Bertram Ford. The game ended three goals to nil in favor of NSW.